This is very unfortunate that so much is talked about the kashmiri pandits,that they are away from their home,that they are in misery and so on,that they were forced out of their homes and killed.But everybody knows the real truth.Nobody forced kashmiri pandits out of their homes.it was the then governer of jammu and kashmir-mr.jagmohan who told kashmiri hindus to move out.his plan was to do the genocide of kashmiri muslims who were in majority.if the kashmiri pandits left on his assurance,why are they crying about their plight and everybody know that they are in better condition than kashmiri muslims.the fact is that only 156 kashmiri pandits have been killed during the conflict.on the other hand more than 140000 kashmiri muslims are killed.every day kashmiri muslims are killed by the indian army.kashmiri pandits have got reservation in every collage,university of india whereas kashmiri muslims are seen with suspicion everyther they go.it is the money and the ablity and intelligence of kashmiri muslims that is getting them admission in various collages and universities of india and not the reservation.it is also very unfortunate on behalf of kashmiri muslims that they are not bringing the truth to the world and letting the people and organisations like panun kashir speak whatever shit they want to. these people and organisations are spreading hatred against kashmiri muslims.it is also an appeal to the educated and literate people of the world not to speak anything without knowing the truth.
Mudasir...You seem to be living in a fools paradise. You can't just go on talking shit.
The reality can be read here:
Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide is what happened with the minority community of Kashmiri Pandits; thus leading to their exodus in 1990. Read and know history, clear your doubts.
hey aditya,i can show u thousands and lakhs of pictures and articles like these on the things that are actualy happenning in kashmir.
i read your so called reality,but thats mere a cheap propaganda.you cant relate any major incidents that happened to kashmiri pandiths during these years besides a few.I can show you a lot of kashmiri pandiths who didnt left kashmir and nobody killed them.a few incidents occur where there is conflict but people there dont leave that place.a lot kashmiris who had lived there all these years got klled but that doesnt mean that others should leave.every day people are killed there,but the others move on.
you people didnt loved kashmir and thats why you left it on mr.jagmohans assurance. if you had loved it you would have stayed there.
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